Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Weekly Forecast for August 15-21, 2016 ~contributed by Hillory Skott

Weekly Forecast for August 15-21, 2016
~contributed by Hillory Skott

Get ready for change. Nothing can stop the innovation that is
about to unleash in all our lives. Hop on up to the new jet stream.
It will carry you effortlessly if you just roll with it. Smooth.
Resistance is futile. Breathe in the fresh new world you are
creating- breathe out the old stories, the stagnant, the dusty.
With Thursdays full moon in Aquarius Now you can find your
people, a tribe of like mind. Uranus is the rebellious ruler of this
full moon. Use technology and all that is new and fan-dangled
to tap into the potent possibilities now. Focus on the future.
Begin with the end in mind.

Tuesday- Uranus is forming a smooth flowing connection to the
sizzling Leo sun. The heat in the air is matched with the planetary
energy. You are gonna be super fine with being completely brazen.
If you have to initiate something, do it. There is crackling energy
supporting us to bust out of the old way. To take the steps.
To be authentic and real. Which for you might be super dramatic.
Let out the real you. Use the amazing technological tools we have
available to us now. If you ever question whether magic is real-
try Skype, we are living in a magical time. What you focus on grows.
Use your focus pocus this week. This Full Moon in Aquarius knows
how to fly. It gets the importance of freedom.

Wednesday Deep diving Pluto will connect most harmoniously with
sweet Venus. This is serious committed type energy. It may relate
also to gaining more of whatever it is you do value. If you are
wanting to bring something special to the next level this could
be your moment. With the earthy energy of Capricorn and Virgo
you can tap into a very stable long-term situation. One that will
make you feel nurtured and secure if you are of the Earth (Taurus,
Virgo, Capricorn) and Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) variety of people.

Take things to the next level.

Get clear about your Values so you can cast your wishes to the wind
on the Aquarius Full moon of Thursday. This is a powerful energy
for change, to release with ease what is no longer relevant to the
future you wish to choose. Our intention, back up by action, sets in
motion our magic. And magic we have, in spades. Aquarius is a
futuristic humanitarian energy, concerned with community, with
the collective. Find your tribe now. Reach out into the world.
It is true that there is strength in numbers. If you are a hermit like
me use this brave new energy to step out of your hermitty comfort
zone and connect. We all need to feel connected. Now you can find
the right place to do it- the right people are waiting.

We are right around the corner from another Mercury retrograde.
Watch for communication mishaps. We are already in the slow down
turn around phase of mercury retrograde. On the 29th it will start
back tracking. Get you affairs in order. Back things up. Recheck
important steps. Watch to see who comes back into your life.

But for this week: Use your Focus Pocus and make your world change.

Many Blessings.

~contributed by Hillory Skott

Enjoy a wonderful week and create amazement!

Karen & Salma

Unbounded Potential Empowerment Group Inc. | 49 Canyon Blvd West | Lethbridge, AB, CA | T1K 6X6

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