Tuesday, January 3, 2017

A personal Letter of Gratitude to 2016 by Vera Ingeborg

A personal Letter of Gratitude to 2016

by | Jan 1, 2017 | Awakening
A personal Letter of Gratitude to 2016

Dear 2016,

What a year have you been!

Intensity – that is how I would describe you in one word. Yes, you have been intense in all ways. No matter what experience, you never delivered something half-baked. It was always all or nothing, do or don’t. You did not allow any compromise. You presented me with the deepest pain beyond imagination and more than once you took me to the edge of what I was able to cope with. I don’t know how many times I damned you and just wanted to exit because I felt I could not take it anymore. And every time I did, you proved me wrong and rewarded me with a bliss ride and miracles that were so much more than I could have ever imagined. You had incredible pain and indescribable joy living door to door for me in store. And with each wave, you took me further up, letting me fly in the highest dimensions, where no mind exists and all is pure light and love.

2016, you made me let go of everything that was not relevant for being my true, authentic me: A big apartment including most of its contents, and a big closet full of clothes, a job with regular income and a daily routine, people I no longer had anything in common with, my self-doubts, core beliefs and conditions I had put onto people, relationships and society, and no less than all my fears including the fear of death. It was no loss. Thank you that you taught me that you can never lose who or what is meant to be in your life. You were relentlessly pushing me forward into no-thingness and into trusting that all I would need – if coming as a pure intention from my heart and soul – would be provided in ways I could have never planned so beautifully. You filled the space I had created by letting go with so much more I could have ever wished for: You gave me a carefree life completely in the NOW, full with joy and playfulness and with adventures that took me all over this beautiful planet to the most amazing places. You led me perfectly so I could find my soul family everywhere, and feeling connected to them and all that is in such a profound way. You taught me living in harmony with nature and gifted me with so many breath-taking moments all by myself. And at the same time being in communion with everything surrounding me, by giving me the opportunity to spend 90 per cent of my time outside. I learned that being alone and being with people are both qualities I would no longer want to miss in my life and that we are all connected in a very interdependent yet unconditional way. You inspired me to reduce my belongings to the bare essentials. Now I love to travel with only a carry-on backpack over months, enjoying the fact that I have hardly anything I have to carry around. Thank you 2016 for making me realize how little you need to be happy and fulfilled, and that happiness and wholeness comes from within and can never be found in the material world.

“Thank you 2016, for making me realize how little you need to be happy and fulfilled, and that happiness and wholeness comes from within and can never be found in the material world.”

And – although you took away my home-base and were driving me into becoming a nomad, I felt home and welcome everywhere I went. Instead of working in an unnatural routine, you supported me in finding my way to go with my own flow and only do what I love – sharing that with everyone who resonates with it. I learned that people are good anywhere you go and that the world is not the dark place the news, politics, schools, religion and businesses are trying to sell us. It can be –if we choose it to be. But, 2016, you showed me that we create our own reality and are responsible for our own experiences through the energetic vibes we are emitting. And that way, I learned that growth and the expansion of consciousness never stops and that it gets more and more exciting, the higher you raise in frequency. You made it clear to me that going into chaos is necessary to rebuild on a higher level, whether for myself, or humanity as a whole. Thanks to you and the momentum you provided, I broke free of all old human and spiritual concepts and beliefs, realizing that limitlessness, infinite possibilities and unconditional love are the only things guaranteed. Thanks for teaching me that it is not my job to come up with the “how” things will manifest and have to go, but to leave the space for the energies to do their magic for me and to start fully enjoying the unpredictability and surprises that life has in store for me – always turning out to be so much better than I could have ever planned them.

“2016, you have been my year of finding 100% self-love, freedom and authenticity, free of fears and beliefs.

2016, you have been my year of finding 100% self-love, freedom and authenticity,  being free of fears, doubts and beliefs. Something I would have never thought to be possible only one year ago. I’ve become like a blank slate, ready to embrace anything that lies ahead without any expectations yet with highest excitement. Now I am experiencing abundance in every moment. I feel childlike again, moving forward with curiosity and ready to explore the Universe and all of its beauty and perfection.

So- my dear 2016 – although you have taken me to the very edge and forced me into ultimate surrender, with many moments of doubt whether I could still bear the pain any longer – YOU HAVE BEEN THE BEST YEAR OF MY LIFE, EVER – because you have set me completely free of all human constraints.  To be ready for 2017, the year of new beginnings. To be that lighthouse in the stormy sea. I know it is time. Time to create new earth.

With deep gratitude

The texts I share are always based on channelings I receive and/or on experiences of clients and my own. I do not claim what I share to be the ultimate truth. I encourage everyone to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom. As this is universal wisdom, I do not claim any copyright. Please feel free to share this content as long as you keep its message complete so that the meaning does not get twisted. Thank you. With lots of light and love, Vera Ingeborg

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As spiritual awakening can become quite challenging, I am offering different services and tools to learn how to navigate energies. For more information, please go here.

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