Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Analyzing the Realms of Disclosure with Pedogate & UFO's | Destroying The Illusion

More brilliance from Jordan Sather​, and his aptly-named YouTube channel, Destroying the Illusion.

I recall years ago when I thought Disclosure was just the official acknowledgement by governments -particularly ours - of the existence of Extra-terrestrials. I thought once that occurred, we'd all be celebrating and have access to advanced technologies to make life easier. But it is so much more, as we are now seeing soft Disclosure not only in alternative news sites, but in MSM. I remember feeling very disturbed and disheartened to learn about the global pedophile/Satanic ritual child abuse/human trafficking network that permeates world governments and is tied into global finance, and helps to fund things like the Secret Space Program (which I also didn't know about years ago).

None of this stuff is "fake news", that is a ploy to keep people unawakened and unaware of the dark truths that are extremely disturbing. Why do we need to know about this stuff?  So we can put an end to the corruption, abuse, lies, power grab and enslavement of humanity, and hold those participating in this stuff accountable. THEN we can celebrate and join our Galactic community.

Victory of the Light!


 Analyzing the Realms of Disclosure with Pedogate & UFO's | Destroying The Illusion


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