Thursday, August 31, 2017

Court Claims Nothing Wrong with Rigging Primaries—Dismisses Lawsuit Against DNC | Free Thought Project

Wow. No words. Just this image as my commentary:

Court Claims Nothing Wrong with Rigging Primaries—Dismisses Lawsuit Against DNC | Free Thought Project

A lawsuit against the DNC and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz for the corruption exposed by WikiLeaks during the 2016 Election has been dismissed.


The lawsuit brought about by Bernie Sanders supporters against the Democratic National Committee and its former chairperson Debbie Wasserman-Schultz has been dismissed after a court conceded that the DNC and Wasserman-Schultz rigged the primaries—but were well within their rights to do so—seriously.

After first assuming all the plaintiff’s allegations were true, for the purposes of weighing their claims, Judge William Zloch dismissed the lawsuit on several grounds. The plaintiffs alleged fraud on the part of the DNC in three different ways:

1. The DNC did not remain unbiased as evidenced through the DNC emails Wikileaks published.

2. Donors to the DNC were defrauded because they donated to Bernie Sanders as a Democrat candidate and the fix was in for Hillary Clinton.

3. The potential for identity theft was demonstrated when the DNC failed to keep its database of donors and their personal information confidential.

As Michael Sainato writes in the Observer, Zloch, dismissed the lawsuit after several months of litigation during which DNC attorneys argued that the DNC would be well within their rights to rig primaries and select their own candidate. “In evaluating Plaintiffs’ claims at this stage, the Court assumes their allegations are true—that the DNC and Wasserman Schultz held a palpable bias in favor Clinton and sought to propel her ahead of her Democratic opponent,” the court order dismissing the lawsuit stated.

Zloch concluded the plaintiffs failed to prove they were materially affected by the alleged bias with which the DNC engaged. He wrote:

“The Court must now decide whether Plaintiffs have suffered a concrete injury particularized to them, or one certainly impending, that is traceable to the DNC and its former chair’s conduct—the keys to entering federal court. The Court holds that they have not.”

The overwhelming opinion of those who have actually read WikiLeaks’ leaked DNC email database appears to be that the DNC, Wasserman-Schultz, and the mainstream media all colluded to ensure Clinton would earn the DNC nomination. This was evident on numerous occasions, many of which were caught on live video and openly admitted.

As The Free Thought Project has extensively reported, influential donors to the DNC are suing their political party for fraud in the 2016 presidential election where they say their candidate, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, was discriminated against. High-ranking members of the DNC, by way of Wikileaks’ DNC email publications, were caught favoring Hillary Clinton over Sanders and actively working to subvert his chances at winning the party’s nomination.

Judge Zloch dismissed the lawsuit on technicalities (several of the plaintiffs lived outside of the court’s jurisdiction) and precedents (donors to nonprofits have no legal recourse as to what the organization does with the donations). Zloch never really addressed the claims of the plaintiffs, only whether or not they had a legal claim for damages.

Zloch admonished the plaintiffs his court was not the place to air their grievances. Instead, they should have done so at the ballot box, inside the DNC, and to work inside the system—a system they clearly believe to be rife with corruption. Zloch wrote:

“This Order, therefore, concerns only technical matters of pleading and subject-matter jurisdiction. To the extent Plaintiffs wish to air their general grievances with the DNC or its candidate selection process, their redress is through the ballot box, the DNC’s internal workings, or their right of free speech—not through the judiciary.”

Zloch dismissed the case against the DNC and Wasserman-Schultz by declaring, “the Court finds that the named Plaintiffs have not presented a case that is cognizable in federal court.”

One of the plaintiffs in the case, Jared Beck, went off! Here’s what he had to say in response to the dismissal and it’s epic! His rant starts at the 9-minute mark.

His reaction describes the deaths of process server Shawn Lucas, DNC data manager Seth Rich, and Assistant U.S. Attorney Beranton Whisenant alludes to the Deep State, and points the finger of blame at the Military Industrial Complex.:

“What really disappoints me about our society, H.A., is the fact that we had two witnesses die in this case, and I still have these f***ing people who call themselves ‘journalists’ mocking us… denigrating us for being concerned about that.

Ya know, it goes beyond a lack of awareness in this country. This country has a vicious, corrupt core… and the MOST vicious, corrupt people are sitting in D.C. right now, running the show and forming the media elite and establishment that surrounds and protects them, and promulgates their bullshit all over the airwaves.

And I am sick and f***ing tired of living in this country and having those be the people that run the show.

We see our clients lose in court, all the time. We see them get shafted by the healthcare system, get shafted by this country, and nobody in this country gives a f*** about them, who’s in the leadership…

Let me tell you something: I know that those problems… the problem in this country, in terms of corruption… I know that it’s so deep-seated… It’s taken root over many, many decades, and it’s not going anywhere any time soon.

But my HOPE—my hope in filing this lawsuit was that at least it might be some kind of spark to get things rolling, so that by the time my kids are adults in this society, they’re not living under an immoral, oligarchic, tyrannical piece-of-shit government that f***ing goes to war in MY name, with my tax dollars, on a perpetual basis and f***ing incinerating people, and I have NO f***ing channel to STOP it.

And as an American, I am ashamed. I am ashamed to call myself an American.
And let me tell you something else: There were people in Nazi Germany who didn’t know what the f*** was going on, either… They were f***ing clueless. They were f***ing brainwashed. And I’m not making this comparison because of any bullshit comparison between Trump and Nazism that’s going around that the mainstream media wants you to believe.

What I’m talking about is the REAL government we have in this country.
And in my view, they are morally equivalent, or worse, than the government of Nazi Germany… Because they’ve been going on longer, and they’ve been f***ing over not just everybody in THIS country, but around the world.
And I’m f***ing sick of it, as a human being.”

The dismissal of the DNC voter fraud lawsuit of 2017 will go down in history as a whimper in the annals of unsuccessful movements against the Deep State and its actors. But, perhaps, Beck’s comments will remain as a testament to just how powerful the establishment is, and the lengths to which they will go, including allegedly murdering anyone who gets in their way.

Jamye Price: September 2017 Ascension Energies - Mental Focus

September 2017 Ascension Energies - Mental Focus

August Review

I was surprised that August was as smooth as it was energetically. There was plenty of challenge going on in different ways, but the collective energies were a fascinating juxtaposition. The August energies (the electromagnetic influx and response) were ushering in a resonance that had a deep effect on a mental level.

The emotional and physical effect in the immediate may have felt like a back-and-forth of release/resolve repeating. It was stirring up some patterns that needed to be released from the collective through each individual.

Did you notice any ah-ha moments, any changes in your reactions or observations? They may seem minor, but that is what creates the change. Sometimes it’s two steps forward/one step back. Allow the readjustments their time to form.

I saw a lot of excitement and even some hype, but it’s all part of awakening conscious focus so it all serves a beautiful potential. The energies do their work no matter what because the Law of Resonance is the core of our experience.

August energies were a wonderful embracing of hope and possibility that we will now express with a greater capability because of our willingness to receive. I saw a lot of loving courage being embodied, some through challenge and some through creative and joyful expression. It’s all perfect on this path of progression. That leads us to September…

The Power of Focus

September ushers in another layer of Mental Focus. The physical experience is linear because that gives us detailed and unique experience. In this current time of Ascension, we are evolving the human experience into conscious focus of the subtle realms. The subtle has always been there and we’ve always interacted with it. Now we are graduating into conscious creative interaction, hence the increased focus on our thoughts and emotions.

There are some important aspects of this to focus on, especially in September. The September energies are anchoring the August energies into practical application of our new resonance that was initiated through the eclipses (and more).

In order to change the human experience, we are learning, “being in the world, but not of it.” What does that really mean? I interpret it as being grounded and aware, while consciously choosing for the self rather than just allowing the world to sweep you along unconsciously.

Biological Focus

Areon has channeled about our evolution in so many ways over the years. As I mentioned in the video, part of their name was developed to represent the mental focus of humanity (the other part about Time). To become a conscious creator with the subtle realm, and to utilize the immense power of the subtle realm that builds worlds, we are decoding the subconscious, the powerful engine of the brain.

This month, as we expand our mental focus, we are opening to a new level of subtle creation. They have consistently spoken about the importance of allowing our desires to flow into the world. Our positive prayers and focus are important subtle information that effects the new generations born into the Earth’s informational field—the connection of the collective.

An important part of accessing our positive potentials is authentic emotions that create a clarity of resonance. Oftentimes, things like our frustrations, hopelessness and insecurities get lost in the ego structure. This isn’t a bad thing, it is a perfect part of our evolution. Change becomes a necessity—either a necessity of experience or desire. It’s all part of the perfection of the progression.

Authentic Focus

As we desire change, we put information into the grid systems that surround the Earth—the biosphere of information that is in constant relay with us. We access what we are resonant with; by choice, focus or unconscious data. The more conscious we are, the clearer our resonance and flow.
When we are aware of our authentic feelings, we are resonating more clearly. That awareness is a big part of the work, it begins the transformation process. Allow your authentic thoughts and emotions to flow into your conscious awareness and you begin to transform them. This helps you create a more direct path of progress.

If you find yourself with some undesired authentic responses like hatred or fear, nurture yourself into transformation. It doesn’t define who you are, it is merely a moment of recognition that there is information within your subconscious that you can now choose anew. From that space (an openness to the new to form), you begin to focus on the change.

Open Focus

The path of evolution requires looking beyond what is into what may be. Observing what is remains an important foundation. Being in the present is where the power is as you experience life. To maintain that connection and (as appropriate) observe what may be, you are beginning to connect the present with the future potential, aligning the trajectory of your life in a non-linear connection of Time.

This is a key to conscious creating, not just positive thinking, but feeling the potentials of the future within your present clarity. It takes practice, openness and a peace that passes all understanding. Sometimes its two steps forward and one step back, but it’s all part of the perfect progression.

Inner Focus

When I was filming the monthly video, praying mantis came in to teach us. According to Animal Speak by Ted Andrews, it represents the Power of Stillness. It is this powerful stillness that allows us to create with wisdom rather than just effort-filled action. Inspired action becomes swift and meaningful because of the clarity of thought and timing cultivated prior to action.

Stillness and patience go hand and hand. Rather than pushing through things with desperation, inner focus creates a strength and clarity that supports adjusting to the moments that call for action or inaction. It is an openness to potentials that allows the window of opportunity to be clear.

The mantis message also contained a specific message of the power and innocence of youth. Jesus has said, “to enter the kingdom of heaven you must be like a child.” The younger generations are those that come into a resonance of information that is the desires of the previous generations.
As Areon tells it, they are born to manifest those desires through time. They come equipped to handle what is necessary to create improvement. The improvement is unique to the individual as to what they are specifically resonant with actualizing.

Innocence in this sense is not naivete, is the wonderment of possibilities and discovery of life through joy. Joy, a topic we covered in last month’s teleclass, is an important emotion by many different names. It begets an openness to Life because it naturally connects deeply with the moment and the potentials of the future. It has a strength of the past built into it, that all that has come before has not only prepared this moment but desired this moment, this resolution, this receiving and renewal. A joyful moment allows the perfection of the path to create progress.

September Focus

In September, find some time to allow your thoughts and emotions to connect your present moment to future potentials. The good that you observe, enhance it with gratitude and expansion. The negative or challenges that you observe, transform them with gratitude and expansion into new potentials. Use that beautiful mind to connect with your powerful heart and focus the progress of humanity.

As you focus the future potentials into the present moment, your brain connects with the non-linear and creates linearity. As you consciously connect with the non-linear potentials, you are integrating Time and Space within your present. You have always been a gift to Life. Receive that deeply and give Life the gift of your desires so that manifestation continues through you.

Your prayers, your discoveries, your choices allow Life to change. Through you.
Have a beautiful September!

Engineered Climate Cataclysm: Hurricane Harvey ( Dane Wigington )

Engineered Climate Cataclysm: Hurricane Harvey
( Dane Wigington )


Our hope and goal is for this video to be shared far and wide, DO NOT RE-UPLOAD this copyrighted video without prior written permission and conditions from Hurricane Harvey is the latest example of covert weather warfare being waged on completely unsuspecting populations. Increasingly catastrophic climate cataclysms are being orchestrated and manipulated by an ever more desperate and aggressive global power structure. Rapidly accelerating climate and biosphere collapse is not somewhere on the horizon, it is here, now. Climate engineering is further fueling the unraveling of the remaining web of life on our once thriving planet. With undeniable facts and film footage this video fully exposes the manipulation of Hurricane Harvey.

Sharing credible and verifiable data is absolutely crucial in the fight to expose and halt the ongoing climate engineering assault. When incorrect or false data is propagated, the critical cause of exposing and halting climate engineering is harmed. Investigate, become familiar with the most inarguable building block facts, and make your voice heard.

Dane Wigington

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Geoengineering Watch

Geo Watch


PAINTED BY WISE OWL LACEY ON THE EVE OF THE TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE (29 Leo: "a mermaid emerges from the ocean ready for rebirth in human form" and 29 aquarius: "butterfly emerging from a chrysalis")
SOLAR ECLIPSE (29 Leo: "a mermaid emerges from the ocean ready
for rebirth in human form" + 29 aquarius: "butterfly emerging from a chrysalis")


30 Leo: "an unsealed letter" (revelations)


08 Aries: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind" (attune, align with new ways, hold on to your hat, stabilize)

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom)

Bhairavi, Goddess Who Fortifies the Heart

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will)

Kathe, God of the South

THE ORACLE REPORT: Thursday, August 21, 2017

First Quarter Moon Phase:
step out of comfort zone, take action

Moon in Capricorn

Sun: 09 Virgo - "an expressionist painter making a futuristic drawing"

True Alignments: originality, a vision for the future, ahead of the curve, enjoying the present moment, lining things up, something to say or show

Catalysts for Change:  pressure, worry about the future, not listening, afraid to speak up or express oneself

Earth: 09 Pisces - "the race begins: intent on outdistancing his rivals, a jockey spurs his horse to great speed"

True Alignments:  advancing a goal/idea/project, stamina/endurance, from the heart, reserves, pacing, bursts of energy, focus, "going for it," coming down to the finish with something

Catalysts for Change:  pushing self or others too hard, overly-competitive, acting before thinking (impulsivity), racing the clock/rushing

Pacing oneself while moving forward or gaining a lead is very important today.  It is very easy to exhaust oneself because the energetics are fast-moving, and we naturally follow the speed.  Paying extra attention to one's health and wellness is advised, as today's energies can take a bit of a toll on the physical, emotional, and cognitive bodies.

The past and the future often come into clearer view when these two Sabian symbols are activated.  Sometimes they even come together (the way to complete, close, finish, or succeed with something becomes apparent).

Representing or abstracting a goal in some symbolic way has a powerful influence on our psyches.  After it is conceptualized, it is ready to be offered to the world.  The unique expression of you is being called upon today.

Advancing or projecting a positive vision of the future is the nature of the energies.  Holding a hopeful, unified view of the world will make a faster future.  Humanity is destined to unite, not divide.  We are not each other's enemies; we are all the same - human.  The archons have pitted human against human.  We jockey out of that closed system, understanding that truth and love prevail.

You can see the abstract nature of the energetics, as this report may not be making much sense.  Rely upon the True Alignments and Catalysts for Change above for more concrete guidance.

PACE.  REPRESENT.  ADVANCE.  If we keep these things in mind today, the world is our Monet, Chagall, Kandinsky, Kathe, Baber, Kollwitz, and Van Gogh.  Express the masterpiece of you in some way today and watch the world change.

(PS - Looking at expressionist art will stimulate the mind and provide a good lift today.)

THE ORACLE REPORT: Wednesday, August 30, 2017

First Quarter Moon Phase:
  step out of comfort zone, take action

Moon in Sagittarius - moves to Capricorn overnight 4:19 am ET/7:19 am UT

Sun: 08 Virgo - "a girl takes her first dancing instruction"

True Alignments:  in the flow, letting the Higher Self lead, seeking more information, conditioning, creative expression, release of emotions

Catalysts for Change:  self-doubt, defeating oneself before one begins, continually having to start over, not grasping lessons, control issues, perfectionism, unrealistic expectations or unfair standards

Earth: 08 Pisces - "a girl blowing a bugle"

True Alignments:  awakening, seeing the signs, the outbreath of Spirit, music (how about some jazz?), the inner child, being alerted to something

Catalysts for Change:  noisy, difficulty concentrating, dissonant, being too sharp or critical with self or others, projecting anger or blowing up

There are two common denominators between the locations of the Sun and Earth today: PRACTICE and THE FEMININE.

In each symbol, girls are involved in performances.  One is at the beginning of her talent and one has progressed enough to be able to do it.

(Remember that the symbols were received at random by Elsie Wheeler in 1925, so she did not know that these opposite degrees in the sky were both about girls or practicing something.)

At heart, these symbols tell us to recognize that it is time for a new beginning and that new beginnings take effort to succeed.

They also tell us about structure and discipline.  Anyone can dance.  No instruction is needed.  But skill is acquired through instruction, and the best instruction comes from a framework or structure (something thought out).  Anyone can pick up an instrument (device, program, etc.) and make sounds.  But by going back to it and continuing to learn about it, one can master it.

Structure and discipline.

This is the PRACTICE portion of today.

Where it gets tricky today is the Moon making conjunction with Saturn and the Black Moon.  Saturn and the Black Moon remain close, in tight conjunction.  The tendency with this is to be very hard on ourselves, which is either motivating or debilitating.

Unconscious fears are triggered when the Black Moon is activated.  Saturn is a tough task-master that demands responsibility and order.  The Black Moon wants to rebirth and Saturn wants to constrict.

Conflicts occur.  Oftentimes people become angry.  Negative mind loops (particularly about perceived failures or perceived weaknesses) can roll around in our heads.  If you encounter these sorts of things (with yourself or others), remember the wisdom of today's symbols: it is time for a new beginning (thus an end to archontically-inserted negativity and self-perception) and new beginnings take effort to succeed (don't give up).

The Black Moon represents the dark feminine - the place of the creative void.  The Black Moon is in the process of conjunction with the Galactic Center - the place of the spiritual void.  Limitlessness exists in these spaces.  Untapped wells of energy and creativity are available.

One only need be receptive.

This is THE FEMININE portion of today.

Putting the Divine Feminine into practice is the aim of Archers of Consciousness as the Moon completes transit of Sagittarius today.  Where will it lead?

9:19 am ET/1:19 pm UT - Moon trine Eris Point
10:32 am ET/2:19 pm UT - Moon conjunct Saturn
12:23 pm ET/4:23 pm UT - Moon conjunct Black Moon

Saturday, September 2: Mars and Mercury (retrograde) will make conjunction at the degree of the Total Solar Eclipse

Tuesday, September 5 at 7:30 am ET/11:30 am UT: Mercury stations direct
Data on Harvey from a video found by wise owls and sent in:


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Jenny Schiltz: Understanding the Timeline Shifts Taking Place

Karen Downing: Integrating the Eclipse Energy

Integrating the Eclipse Energy

How are you feeling post-eclipse? The energies have been taxing, as they are upping our light quotient by more than ever before. As our physical body integrates the light body upgrade taking place, we can be fatigued, dizzy, and experience a deep emotional purging.

The light body expels all that is not in resonance with it. That energy can be from this life, past lives, lives lived prior to this planet, and even collective soul group energies. If it is anything other than hope, trust, acceptance, and love, then it’s gotta go.

During this purging process, some of you will have encountered a deep sadness, anger, or fear bubbling to the surface. These emotions can remain buried in the body under layer upon layer of past life experience. It takes a strong energetic event, such as an eclipse, to “close the door on the past,” and release from within us, all we no longer need.

Some people will experience more of a physical release process like changing jobs, living situations, relationships, or health practices. Whatever the eclipse is bringing up for you, know that what you are feeling is temporary, and is only a reflection of that which your Ego/Self has kept locked away from you. The more you find out about the hidden inventory of your own Ego, the better equipped you are to move forward in your life with confidence and joy. The Ego can be your friend or your worst nightmare. If you work with your Ego to extract all it is holding on to, the better off you will be.

Think of your Ego as a well-meaning friend. They may not always give the best advice, but often, if you look into the words and phrases they use, you can gain inspiration about how they are attempting to assist you. The Ego is much the same as that friend and will tend to give advice and guidance to you based on either a proactive avoidance of situations or a reactive explosion to them. Each of the past life patterns has proactive and reactive expressions to how it handles different situations, and those extreme expressions hold hints as to how your Ego is trying to help you.

The Ego holds on to vast reserves of past life energy, and in its quest to avoid repeating the trauma of the past, it will influence you through fear or anger, as a warning sign that you are venturing dangerously close to past life trauma. But, the thing is, to truly avoid repeating our past life traumas, we must touch the energy of them. We need to bring to the surface all that the Ego would prefer to remain hidden; all of the fear, traumas, and challenging energy. We have to get in it, to get out of it.

When your Ego has you locked in the energy of judgment, guilt, shame, or fear, use that emotion as an anchor to deep dive into all aspects of what you are truly feeling. If you do not get the energy out, it continues to inform the Universe, and you will attract the situations in alignment with your fears. This deep dive process is one of the most valuable tools at your disposal to learn how to transform your energy and emotional state at any time. When you deep dive, you reclaim your emotional state, that is where true personal power and sovereignty dwell: in knowing who you are.

The energy of the eclipse is bringing forth those energetic aspects that the Ego would wish to remain hidden, but they cannot. It is time to explore them and release them for good. We all have an Ego to wrestle with; it is sly and crafty, but definitely not logical. It is an emotional energy and can fool us into thinking we have it all figured out. To accept that we do not is one big part of learning how to navigate your Ego as best you can.

Now is the time to heal the past. Now is the time to invest time and energy in yourself. Now is the time to explore all the hidden details of who you truly are. There is no time like the present, and the more you actively participate in this healing and release, the better able you will be to gently pass through these eclipse energies. If you choose to ignore this process or subconsciously decide that you do not wish to help yourself, you are in for a much longer ride. The choice is yours. Are you willing to do what it takes to clear out the emotional residue, or will you just wait for another time when things are better, or you feel right? If you wait on that, the Ego will have you forever fooled.

Jennifer Hoffman: Inspired Action Begins with Spirit | Enlightening Life

What becomes your inspiration? What moves you to take action, to focus your energy towards a specific intention? What encourages you to forget your doubts and fears and move forward with clarity of thought and purpose? Do you act only when you feel you must or are forced to and simply react to situations you feel you cannot control? Or do you take fear-based action in order to avoid difficult people or situations? Inspired action begins with spirit, by creating the connection to your divine source so you use divine timing, access your intuitive guidance, activate your co-creative partnership with the Universe, and empower your intention to move with divine congruence into the flow of energy that draws your desired reality effortlessly closer to you. 

Inspired action is action that is taken within the knowing of your co-creative abilities, where you partner with spirit to add its energy to your intention. Then you can act with confidence and the certainty that a particular step is the right one to take in that moment. You will also have the courage to take a step in another direction when that is the appropriate thing to do and in your highest good.

Effortlessness is achieved when you are in the flow of energy, you allow events and situations to unfold and if they do not, you move forward with grace and reject the fear that you are wrong, doing the wrong thing, or that you must force every opportunity to become a blessing you enjoy. A good measure of your discernment is to reject those things which do not align with your intention or your highest potential. Once you commit to taking inspired action you walk with spirit – it does not lead you or control your outcomes — and you are in partnership with your divine self to create your heaven on earth.

Learning to use your guidance and intuition to decide when to take the next step and in which direction to go creates a balance between mind and spirit that utilizes the best of your learning and experience with the highest potential your divine connection holds for you, to create the possibility of a new reality.  How do you know when action is inspired? When you feel calm, at peace, you are in joy, and you trust your co-creative power. This is when the results flow and you use the power of your intention to create the outcomes you want to experience in your life. 

And the opportunities present themselves effortlessly which does not imply you have to do nothing, you are a co-creator, not a passenger on the journey. Effortlessness is a matter of allowing energy to flow in the direction of your intention.

Your mind is conditioned to react to change with fear and uncertainty but when it is paired with your divine connection it can forge a new path towards different outcomes. The mind only knows how to react and then you are acting out of fear and engaging past emotions. Reactions are also based on past knowing and learning, so the result for you will be a repeat of what you have experienced in the past.  Learning to recognize inspiration requires that you trust in your own spiritual competence and are willing to try what is new and different, even if it is something that you have never done before.

Effortlessness is the energy of the Light Age when you learn to take inspired action because you will always be moving forward with spirit, taking inspired action, and are firmly on the path that is perfect for you. Living with inspiration means that you co-create with spirit in a way that supports your intention, and that you trust that your inner knowing, your intuition, will create the flow of energy that draws your intentional reality closer to you.

Karma and the path of destiny are part of the 3D paradigm that is dis-integrating. Your path is no longer pre-destined, nor is your life fated to go in a specific direction. Now is the time to take inspired action in your life, to act with clarity and confidence from your co-creative partnership with spirit. Accept that effortlessness is the way of the Universe and be in the flow of divine energetic congruence. This week, choose an area of your life that you want to change and invite spirit to support you with clarity and confidence.  Then take inspired action in the direction that you are at peace with. Your action may be to take a class, make a decision, consider a change or even see yourself in a different perspective. Trust that you know what is best and right for you, then take inspired action, remember that life is supposed to flow effortlessly and the Universe, as your co-creative partner, will reward your faith, trust, and efforts by assisting you in miraculous ways that  support your vision and create your joyful, joy-filled reality.


If you like this article and would like to work with me because you are ready for profound personal and spiritual transformation, consider a personal intuitive consultation or intuitive coaching, where we work together to examine your life path, purpose, potential, and possibilities and help you choose one that will bring you the joy, abundance, love, peace and power that you are ready for. Click here to explore the possibilities for transformation.

Copyright (c) 2017 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.

John Smallman: When you go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, you find peace and release from fear and anxiety. | Jesus Through John

  Jesus Audio Blog for Tuesday August 29th

I just want to reassure you that humanity at large is in the process of clearing enormous amounts of self-disparagement and non self-acceptance that have lain buried within and that must and will be released because you are now ready to do further very important inner work.  It is very unsettling for you because you have already done an enormous amount of inner work and had thought that you were finished.  But, of course, as humans this is a constantly ongoing process.  Nevertheless, when all that has been buried or denied is finally seen and released you then find yourselves free to grow and evolve toward awareness of your true state – Oneness – which is what waking is all about.

All of humanity is now on a highly accelerated path towards waking up, it is both exciting and uplifting, and, at the same time, quite unsettling because you appear to have lost your sense of direction spiritually speaking.  Really it is a time of allowing life to unfold for you, just as you originally planned it, instead of attempting to direct it from your human and egoic perspective which nearly always leads to pain and disappointment.

For eons you have been attempting to control and direct your own lives, as well as those of your nearest and dearest, and also, if you could establish an effective power base, those of other cultures, creeds, or nations.  Finally realization has dawned on the human collective that this does not and cannot work because no one wants another to control and direct him, and nor should he!

You are each a belove child of God, One with Source, but freely expressing your individual creative abilities as you journey back from separation to Oneness.  However, humanity’s egoic traits, personal and collective, have been very firmly ingrained over the eons, consequently it takes a lot of time to uproot and discard them.

The preparation for this has been ongoing for over three hundred years, and quite recently the tipping point was reached when enough of you became fully aware of the insanity of these generic individual and self-serving egoic agendas to activate the commencement of the release process.  This is now accelerating very rapidly, as clearly shown by the increase in conflicts worldwide, from one on one to international ones.  The purpose and intent of these conflicts is to demonstrate as widely as possible the absolutely essential need for major change in humanity’s basic beliefs and assumptions which until very recently have been totally ego-based.

It is impossible for anyone to honestly claim that more regulations and more violence to enforce them will resolve the issues and problems facing humanity.  It is quite clear that they can only be resolved with harmonious cooperation, and that means that the deeply ingrained belief systems held by different races, cultures, and religions must be discarded.  Belief systems – philosophical, economic, political, or religious – are extremely divisive as your history demonstrates very clearly. 

Nevertheless, humanity has clung to them for eons out of fear, because by holding them it seemed they brought people together.  And they did, but only as groups in fierce opposition to other groups, leading, naturally and inevitably, to conflict.


No belief system is ever utterly right, and no belief system bestows on anyone the right or the authority to control or direct another.  Your social, national, political, economic, religious, and international systems, organizations, and governments have established rules and regulations so that people will conform and obey.  But truly, rules and regulations should be used only to provide a clear means of communicating norms of behavior that work safely and fairly for all, norms that everyone happily accepts and honors.

At the same time it is absolutely essential that the beliefs you hold are held open to receive new information as it arises so that your beliefs may evolve.  Evolution is a major part of the homeward journey from separation to Oneness.  The Spanish Inquisition was initiated to uncover and destroy those whose beliefs were not in complete alignment with the dogmatic rule of the Roman Church at that time, as a new age in scientific discovery arose and began to show up the numerous factual errors in that authoritarian system.

However, what has occurred over the eons, and has until now been generally accepted, is that those in authority made rules and regulations to establish “a belief system” that serves their own egoic agendas, and that the rest must honor and obey them.  Those “in authority” frequently place themselves above these laws, never having to obey them or conform to them, but just using them in blatant service to their own personal agendas.

Now that this self-serving behavior is both readily apparent for all to see, and is recognized as totally inappropriate, you are in a position to make the many changes necessary to all your systems of governance – state, cultural, international, economic, and religious – so that the interests of everyone on Earth can be fairly addressed in order that all benefit.  Humanity has collectively chosen to discard the systems that have caused so much pain and suffering and to replace them with ones based on Love.

Love is your nature, It always has been, and finally, within your illusory dreamworld of separation, memories of that true nature are popping into view, initially only momentarily when you are filled with love for family or partners, and then more generally as realization dawns that you have way more than enough Love to share and extend far and wide.  This realization automatically transmits the Love within you far and wide because you are not separate, you are One, and therefore what you realize everybody realizes!  Not immediately and consciously, but nevertheless, deep within them that realization grows and intensifies until they do become aware and in so doing further widely extend the Love that flowed from you.  This is what the Tsunami of Love is all about.

Be yourselves and stop attempting to be what you fearfully think others expect or demand of you.  You can only be you, and attempting to be other than you is extremely destructive – physically, psychologically, and emotionally – for the the part of you that inhabits your limited human form.  You end up depressed and unhappy, and feelings of worthlessness intensify.  You are, each one of you without exception, a most glorious child of God.  How could you not be when God, out of infinite Love, created you for everlasting JOY!  In truth you are always in everlasting joy, it is just that the veil you drew between yourselves and Reality temporarily hides that truth and its accompanying eternal joy from you.

Go within at least once daily to connect with the inextinguishable divine Light – YOUR Light – that resides within you always, and allow yourselves to accept that you are a perfect divine being presently having a very temporary and unreal experience of separation.  When you allow yourselves to accept yourselves, your fears and anxieties fall away, and you feel the warmth and comfort of the field of Love that embraces you in every moment of your eternal existence.  This gives you the strength to continue on your human life path with confidence and certainty, and to listen to and trust your intuition, which is fed from your heart, instead of relying on the severely limited intelligence of your human mind.

You know that your human mind is severely lacking in wisdom and intelligence because you see the effects of that all around you in the conflicts and confusions that are constantly arising.  When you go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, centered in your heart, you find peace and release from fear and anxiety.  This alone shows you that this where the truth will be found.  You cannot find it outside you, in others, although meeting lovingly with others will help you each to find the truth within yourselves.  There is only One Truth, but, as humans, you experience It in your own individual way.  No one is wrong, but, as a human, each demonstrates only a very small portion of Truth, even though within each the whole of Truth is eternally present.

Therefore, on waking and before sleeping, set the intent to be only loving whatever situation may arise, and whatever mood you may find yourselves in, and then enjoy the peace that brings to your day as you go about your earthly chores.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Free your Mind: Dropping all Labels by Vera Ingeborg | THE WAKE UP EXPERIENCE

I am very grateful that you can find most of my blogs as an audio version on the youtube channel Higher Self

The world is full of labels to define what something or someone is or not. It helps the human mind to sort things and people into boxes and to differentiate. And… to separate…. Although it is not always obvious…. the spiritual world is also full of labels. And yes – Labels are important on our journey to help us to understand where we are in our process and what is happening with us, to then drop them again, detach and move on. Yet, that is where many of us remain stuck. By developing and identification with and attachment to a certain label.

It is not easy to admit that one to ourselves. That we are still attached to certain beliefs and concepts: Labels. Because we think we have evolved so much, grown so much and now we are eager to change the world. Often, we don’t realize that we are repeating the past. Before we had our wake up call, we were the CEO, the Head of, the President, the Doctor, the MBA, the Jew, the Muslim, the Christian, the Buddhist etc. Now we are the Lightworker, the Indigo Child, the Twin Flame, the Ascended Master, the Guru, part of the 144.000 etc. Yet, none of this says anything about who we truly are. We are labelling ourselves and others again and…. are taking or giving away our power and are creating separation. That leads us away from true oneness and takes away our freedom. True freedom means to be free from all conditioning, all beliefs, all attachments, all identification: All labels.

The (Spiritual) Ego

The (spiritual) ego
is a tricky one. So often we think we have overcome it, and yet we end up in attachments and beliefs again, without even realizing that we are trying to change the other/outer by imposing our knowledge and belief onto people. Or we drop into following a teacher or guru again, taking everything for granted an individual is saying. It is a fine line to walk to be of service, stay in self-love and self-respect and yet share with others to inspire without any attachment / expectation / condition. The ego loves to create stories. To every label, there is a story attached. So that we can identify or disidentify with them.

“The ego mind needs identification. It cannot stand the idea of just being and doing without a label or role. It loves to define what we are and what we are not.”

Because: The ego mind needs identification. It cannot stand the idea of just being and doing without a label or role. It loves to define what we are and what we are not. Who is part of our tribe and who is not. Who I identify with and who not….And that is exactly what keeps us from being free: The attachment to identification: To labels.

We will never have all the answers while we are in human form. That is not the point either. The point is to trust ourselves and our interdependence with all there is, and yet being free and our authentic self. The point is to take in the experiences we move through, integrate them and grow even further, sharing them with others without identifying with them or seeing them as the only truth. We are always teacher and student at the same time. Only then there is balance. The point is to see that there is no right or wrong, there are no dogmas or rules or routines to follow. We are learning to understand and listen to energetic impulses. What feels right in one moment and then follow along with it. We have a perfect inner guidance system that does not need any confirmation from the outside world.

Just because someone claims to know it all and talks about love and light, does that mean they are truly coming from an open heart? No certificate, no track record can prove that, although the ego loves to buy into these. We can only feel the truth with our heart. In a world where we rely on our inner guidance, no certificates are necessary as we trust what resonates without making ourselves dependent or develop an attachment.

3 Ways to detect Spiritual Labeling

So how do we detect spiritual labeling, if we use it ourselves or if we follow the labeling of others?

The ego pushes, authenticity pulls

The ego loves to push itself onto others and into the world. It makes a lot of noise, says, buy this program, do that and sells its knowledge as the only way. It tries to convince, control, manipulate by using labels to create some illusion of authority or qualification.

The authentic self on the other hand knows how energy works and relies on the pull effect. It knows that everything comes to you when you follow the impulses and the flow. It knows that those that need information at a certain point in time will find it. It knows that there is no need for big marketing machineries. The authentic self acts out of purpose, not out of a need for recognition or reward, be it monetary or non-monetary as it knows that when coming from the open and balanced heart space, the balance of giving and receiving is always granted.


The ego loves to compare. And by comparing, it creates separation. Be it through comparing how far one is in their process in comparison to others, how much more someone has to learn in comparison to others etc. It creates the illusion, that we need to reach a certain state or goal to be spiritual enough to earn a title (label), as it comes from a place of lack and the fear of not being good enough. The ego does not understand the concept of oneness, and that we are all part of the whole, that we all have our talents, gifts and tasks that are serving the greater good. The ego does not understand, that we are already whole. Instead it keeps distracting us from our wholeness within. Pure freedom is also being free from the need to compare. Everything just is.


The ego talks separation. It creates a difference between self and others. It addresses people with “You are this”, “You are to do that” etc. It distracts from self and own issues by focusing on others. This way, it is trying to take the power away from others and trying to have control over others. It commands, telling people what is right or wrong. It disidentifies with the whole.

The authentic self sees itself as part of the whole. It shares own experiences and wisdom without any shame or expectation. It is not afraid to change its perspective, when new learnings are integrated, as it is not attached to any rigid beliefs.

To summarize: The ego preaches and creates a feeling of being incomplete, minor and rebuked, while the authentic self inspires, motivates and creates the feeling of wholeness.

“The ego preaches and creates a feeling of being incomplete, minor and rebuked, while the authentic self inspires, motivates and creates the feeling of wholeness.”

Being in the flow is surrendering and accepting that nothing is constant. There are times we stand still, and times we move, times we hold on, times we let go, times we know and times we do not know. There is no right or wrong, just gateways we pass while we grow and expand. When we use our inner guidance and feel into the energy of what is shared and/or going on, we know what resonates with our inner truth: No story, no label attached. No identification necessary. We just are. That is true freedom and self-empowerment!

The texts I share are always based on my intuition (“downloads”) and/or on experiences of clients and my own. I do not claim what I share to be the ultimate truth. I encourage you to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom. As this is universal wisdom, I do not claim any copyright. Please feel free to share this content as long as you keep its message complete so that the meaning does not get twisted. Thank you. With lots of love, Vera Ingeborg

If you feel ready to work on raising your frequency, to align all of your bodies, to connect with like-minded and hearted people within a unique environment, come to one of our “Own It! Retreats”!

You want a true change in your life and reality? Although spiritual awakening can become quite challenging, there are many simple ways to navigate it as smooth and effective as possible. The key: Learning the language of Energy. Check out  the wake up program that I have created, to make this journey an exciting life changer for you! 
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Ben Fulford: High level weirdness in US as Khazarian control matrix crumbles

For whatever reason, Ben has often been sharing the Full Reports early. I'm guessing that it's because things are coming to a head. Whenever he does so, I will also post  his reports early, instead of waiting till Thursday. Also note that FACEBOOK IS CENSORING MY POST OF THIS ARTICLE, THEY KEEP SAYING IT LOOKS LIKE SPAM, SO ONLY I CAN SEE IT!!!~PB

Ben Fulford: High level weirdness in US as Khazarian control matrix crumbles

Posted by benjamin, August 28, 2017

People who are aware are noticing very weird stuff going on with the world information grid -especially inside the Anglo Saxon world- as contradictions and bizarre events multiply. These are all signs of a collapsing power matrix; the sort of thing seen around the time of the fall of the USSR.

The first thing to note about last week in particular is that the US was hit for the first time since 2005 with a hurricane. US President Donald Trump tweeted the code phrase for weather warfare “once in 500 years” to describe Hurricane Harvey. The fact that it hit the Bush clan homeland of Texas, in particular the city of Houston, with devastating floods, makes it likely this is some sort of revenge for the Bush engineered Hurricane Katrina attack on New Orleans.

It may also be related to the fact that 16 US and Canadian diplomats in Cuba suffered brain injuries from some kind of “Sonic attack.” They may well have been hit because of their involvement in cutting of the Bush clan drug money that was being laundered through Cuba. It is also interesting that “Sonic attacks” are now being reported by world media instead of being dismissed as delusions by people “wearing tin foil hats.”

In any case, all of this indicates a high level, esoteric power struggle is continuing.

This power struggle is also being revealed in strange and contradictory news announcements concerning US Senator John “Daesh” McCain. Remember recently we had media reports that McCain had been diagnosed with malignant brain cancer? These were followed immediately with reports that McCain had recovered and rallied the Senate to stop Trump plans to repeal Obamacare.

Then after that the USS “John McCain” was rammed by a cargo ship, killing many US sailors. Now we are being told that McCain has been wire-tapping the White House and leaking all of the Trump administrations’ plans to hostile media.

As the oft-used phrase aptly puts it “you can’t make this up,” but then again it looks as if two opposing forces are indeed making this stuff up.

There are many others signs other than contradictory reports about madman McCain to indicate a high level power struggle is raging in Washington DC.

Inside the Trump administration, the removal of Steve Bannon has now been followed by the ouster of adviser Sebastian Gorka. These are the folks who were pushing for a hard line against “radical Islam”(=Khazarian agents) and China.

Now the “make America great again” alt-right faction in the administration is fighting back. Pentagon sources say Trump chief of staff General John Kelly “may be forced to fire globalist democrats Gary Cohn, Jared Kushner and Dina Powell to even the score and appease the Trump base.”

“Jared is under fire for his failure as peacemaker, with no two-state solution based on 1967 lines, while getting no love from Egypt, Palestine, or even Isreal,” the sources note. Meanwhile “Goldmanite Gary Cohn is already under massive pressure to resign, he puts his tribe first, opposes tariffs, supports antifa and the Jewish fake news media in his interview with the Financial Times that made Trump explode,” they add.

There is also incredible pressure being put on the rogue state of Israel. Satan worshipping Israeli leader Benyamin Netanyahu went to visit Russia to warn of Israeli “red lines,” being crossed by Russia allowing Iranian influence to increase in Syria. This was followed up with a massive offensive by the Israeli/Saudi Arabian Daesh proxy army inside Syria. Russia’s answer was to place Iranian and Hizbollah troops right on the Israeli border.

Russian forces also, according to the official Tass news agency “destroyed more than 1,000 facilities belonging to international terrorist groups in Syria in the past week,” thus crushing the Israeli/Saudi proxy offensive.

The oil and gas rich nation of Qatar has rubbed salt into the wounds of the Israeli/Saudi alliance by restoring diplomatic relations with Iran and keeping its money out of Khazarian mafia pockets.

Unlike in the past, the Israelis can no longer run crying to the US for protection because the de facto Trump military government is sick and tired of that rogue states trouble-making. The Pentagon sources say the US military is working with the Russians on this and other issues noting that “Russia supports the US military junta by naming former vice minister of defense Anatoly Antonov as US ambassador, militarizing relations between the two superpowers.”

The Pentagon sources also tried to justify Trump’s recent speech announcing an open ended continuation of the war in Afghanistan as follows: “the Trump Afghan speech is a disguised multilateral exit strategy in concert with regional powers while supporting India in its Bhutan skirmish with China.” However, in this case, the old adage “follow the money,” is a more realistic explanation of what is going on. The fact is that the Afghan heroin trade is, if you multiply UN Afghan heroin production data by the UN calculated US street price, worth around $1.6 trillion a year or more than double the official US military budget.

New whistleblowers are now emerging with detailed, concrete descriptions of how the international drug trade became indispensable to the US military industrial complex in the post-war era. CIA whistleblower Kevin Shipp and investigative journalist Paul Williams provide a very detailed account of this in the podcast at the link below.

What is interesting about what these real world whistleblowers say is that it dovetails almost exactly with what this writer has been hearing from his own CIA and Asian secret society contacts. Real world investigations show beyond a doubt that there is a multi-trillion dollar drug money nexus linking the CIA, the Vatican P2 fascist lodge, North Korea and Asian gangsters.

Multiple Asian and other sources involved in this nexus say they expect some sort of major shift this autumn. This is what a high le level source in Thailand, for example, had to say about related developments in that country:

“[Former Prime Minister Yingluck] Shinawatra left Thailand on Wednesday, the 23rd with the assistance of Very High Officials, outside the Junta, in a private jet. She is with her brother in Dubai.”
As background this source noted:

“The King HAD to give permission long before the coup [against Yingluck’s brother Thaksin] took place back in 2006. That allowed certain people time to load the planes with ‘personal’ items like suitcases full of large denominations of cash, the Singapore and Brunei $1000 note, the favorite of the elite as well as a few kilos of diamonds, cut and uncut (Having been a partner in a diamond mining operation in Angola helped). A few tons of Au were added for ballast. Thaksin’s passage was cleared all the way from start to finish. Having a Diplomatic passport made it even faster.”

Also, the source continued:

“The current King has only been seen in public two times. It is said in the inner circles of the Palace that he has AIDS. He flies to Germany two times a month for a blood transfusion… There seems to be more to the extent of his medical treatments than what is released by his closest confidants. The AIDS story could be a smokescreen?”

To conclude, this source notes:

“The future of Thailand and more currently, that of the Junta, will be known within 60 days. What goes down in DC, will directly affect Thailand, in more ways than one.”

The White Dragon Society, for its part, has recently been contacted by representatives of several groups who had cut off all contact immediately following the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami mass murder attack on Japan. These include a senior member of the British branch of the Rothschild family, the top assassin of the Yamaguchi gumi syndicate and a senior MI6 official. They all agree that something big is coming down.

This is partly, but not exclusively, related to the upcoming US government September 30th fiscal year end payments deadline. If we take the right action this time, we can finally stop the criminal Khazarian faction in Washington DC from kicking the can down the road any further. The WDS knows who the secret players still standing are and asks them all for their full cooperation so that we can finally get on with the business of saving the planet.

Please enjoy the last week of summer and get ready for what is likely to be a very eventful autumn.

