Monday, September 18, 2017

Roger Stone Talks Trump Poisoning/Schiller Resignation & More

"He's almost completely isolated, all the sources have been chopped off, that's why we're dumping all this now! -Alex Jones

"That's right, the curtain is coming down, and it puts the President in great danger, and it puts the country in great danger...." -Roger Stone

Wow...there are some dangerous chess moves going on behind the scenes in a continuing effort to isolate the President, which could lead to his assassination or removal! Roger Stone starts at 5:45 min in, and talks for about 15 minutes, filling us in on the delicate and difficult relationship interactions, open secrets, manipulations and drugging of the President by people in the Administration he trusts, who actually have hidden agendas. After that, Alex talks about the drugging of Presidents to control them as puppets, and how they will pass it off as Alzheimers or some other health issue to remove him.

"This has been part of the game plan from the beginning. If they cannot defeat you, they try to discredit you; if they can't discredit you, they try to co-opt you, if they can't co-opt you, they try to destroy you.They've been unable to completely co-opt the President, although they keep trying." -Roger Stone
Trump is in danger, especially now that his bodyguard and close ally Schiller was forced into resigning by Kelly pulling an ultimatum and threatening to resign if Schiller stays, So Schiller resigned.  McMasters name comes up as well as one who is disloyal to Trump. He canceled Ivanka Trumps goodwill mission to China, who has been working with the US to deal with North Korea.

Their discussion continues as Stone outlines valid concerns of reports of POTUS slurring his words. He does not drink, he does not do drugs. People who now him and have engaged with him say he is sharp and precise when engaging in person, but by evening he appears medicated, tired, slurring his words, disoriented. Roger Stone is a close friend and supporter of Trump. Stone told Kelly he was not going to get away with isolating the President. Kelly then told Trump he was not allowed to see Stone, thus banning Stone from visiting Potus.

Love him or hate him ( I choose to hate the sin, not the sinner), I pray for our country, for the betrayals and subterfuge and murders and sinister agendas to end, for Truth, Transparency and Trust to prevail. So Be It!

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