Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Sarah Biermann: The Hot Season of Change: Part 2 - Are Your Fears Being Triggered?

The Hot Season of Change:
Part 2 - Are Your Fears Being Triggered?

This “Hot Season of Change” is lighting a fire under two things: your deepest fear and your greatest desire. If your fears are being triggered, this is why.

While the two things are opposite each other, they are very connected because you can’t manifest and live your dream unless you become aware of and face the fear, even embrace the fear, and ultimately release it.

A hint: the thing you most fear isn’t an injury or damage to your body or to a loved one, it is the “horrible thing” that proves that you are a pitiful looser and that all your (failed) dreams are “illusions”. The fear is that there will be proof of what a deluded, foolish and stupid idiot you are. Not to mention a “fake spiritual person”.

Ugg… It hurts! It can crush you and make you want to end it all, to give up and even consider exiting this life.

It can also make you avoid living your dreams so that you end up doing work that just pays the bills, doing a job that you don’t like, and even hate.

(I am also getting triggered as are just about everyone I know. For me, when I let myself really go into it, with all the tears and shaking, then I felt better afterwards. Well, not right afterward, but I did feel better the next day. The fears are just fears. Try not to attach to them by believing they are true and real. Part of this is being fueled by the planetary shift and part by the Old Energy pushing our buttons.)

Did you know it was going to be this hard, that it would suck this much? Why does it have to be this way?

The other reason is that the Old Energy and those who are trying to prevent the transformation to the New Energy are doing everything they can to prevent the Transformation. The Transformation from the Old Energy to the New Energy is a really, really big thing! It is also a really, really important thing.

This can sound rather obscure so we have systems to interpret and understand what is happening and how we can participate in the Transformation.

I see astrology as a mirror, reflecting back to us what is the focus and the cosmic energy at certain times. Your natal chart can show you what gifts you brought in, as well as what challenges you chose. Other systems, like numerology, do a similar thing, helping us to understand what “it’s all about”.
The recent eclipses speak to the intensity of what I call the “Hot Season of Change”.  The focus point of the eclipses is Leo and especially, 29º of Leo. The Lunar Eclipse on August 7th had the Sun at 15º Leo and the Solar Eclipse was at 29º Leo. Mars is conjunct the Sun and Moon, pushing action and possibly aggression. Leo is all about self-love and self-worth. Other celestial bodies have continued to cross over and activate this place. So, what does this mean?

The challenge we are being faced with is to come face to face with the things that make you feel less-than, powerless, unlovable and ashamed. It’s the weakness that you don’t want anyone to see. The outcome of this process is to move past the limiting beliefs and to truly know your own self-worth and lovability.

If you are not clear about what this is for you, one way to understand is to look at what house is ruled by Leo is in your natal chart. If you don’t have your natal chart you can get it at https://alabe.com/freechart/. If you need more information and understanding about the houses please contact me or do a web search. The astrology system that I use is shamanicastrology.com. Contact me if you would like to know more about why this astrological system, more than any others, is what I believe has the best understanding and point of view of any others.

Many people thought and expected that at the end of the “Mayan Calendar” the wonderful New Earth would begin. The expectations were that all the negative and ugly stuff would go away and we could go forward with the positive and beautiful.

What happened instead is that the negative and ugly was exposed, big time. What I wrote earlier applies to this situation and the polarity.

“While the two things are opposite each other, they are very connected. You can’t manifest and live your dream unless you become aware of and face the fear, even embrace the fear, and ultimately release it.”

While the end result, and the reason you and I are here now, is to manifest the New Earth with all its splendor and beauty, we have had to go through the “cleaning of the basement”. We had to get down and dirty and go into the ugliness in order to clean it out.

It’s not fun… You chose to be here to do this… You are one of us who wanted to be part of this and YOU were chosen because you have the ability to know the worst and still know the best. You are able to anchor the “New Earth Waves” here and hold this truth for our planet.

BTW What you are doing isn’t just for this planet. What you are doing is affecting the whole Solar System, the Galaxy and beyond.

It is not easy to do this, not at all. Yet, you are here now because you are uniquely able to do this.
One of the hardest parts of this job is that the ones who are who haven’t yet chosen their desired movement into the New Earth, mostly have no awareness of it nor any understanding of its importance. Unfortunately, this includes many of your family and friends, not to mention the mainstream media/news that influence these people.

If you feel the heart tug upon reading this. If there is a moment when you think, “Yes, this is me!” before your doubts kick in, then you are definitely one of us.  You are one of the special souls that is incarnating now, despite the challenges and the losses.

Please do not think that you are the only person who has doubted yourself. The opposite is true. The major challenges of an Old Soul are doubt and lack of self-worth. You could say the doubt and low self-worth (AKA shame) are the “self-karma” of Old Souls.

I know this well. One of my teachers, mentors and friends (who also introduced me to Shamanic Astrology) labeled me, “The Queen of Shame”. This was partly because I am such a huge “fan” of Sting, the lead singer and song writer of the 80’s ban The Police. He wrote a song about himself called, King of Pain. (Looking at it now, this could be the mantra of most Old Souls). The other reason was that I went through the deepest, dungeon of my personal shame with her support and that once I delved so deeply into it, I was relatively comfortable with it. I was no longer driven by wanting to hide the “secret shame” that I had lived with for decades.

(Important note: When I finally was able to (with my friends support) go to the center of the “horrible truth” about myself that I had kept hidden my whole life, I found that there was nothing there. There was not a wretched truth or secret thing about me. The shame didn’t hide anything. There was nothing there at all).

This was also the moment when I experienced shifting my perspective from the  “miserable human” to my Greater Self. My human aspect was beyond misery, curled up in a ball on the floor and sobbing. My GS was experiencing this as, “Wow, this is so intense!” without feeling that the intensity was bad or miserable. It was really weird, amazing and life changing. This experience has stuck with me. It enables me to facilitate others while they experiencing this while being empathic but not hooked in to the emotions. This also enabled me to be able to delve into the lowest frequencies (shame and fear) while still having an awareness that is outside of polarity.

What is important to realize is that you have a human aspect that is living within the constructs of the Old Earth reality and can be triggered by cosmic and Old Earth energies AND you have a Greater Self / Soul aspect that is able to step outside of that limited perception and to know and understand the bigger picture.

This ability is something that your brought in to this incarnation. This is something that you already are. I know that it usually doesn’t feel this way, but you would not be reading this if it wasn’t true for you.

So, breathe… imagine if the current challenges were not “really real” and are instead a trigger of your old fears.

And this too will pass…

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